show me

What if you were so confident in who you are and what gifts you’re here to share that you could let go of all the “shoulds”? What if you had a roadmap for optimizing your relationships, career, habits and lifestyle? It sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. 

what if you had a blueprint for living your most effortless, purpose-filled life?

as seen in

tell me more

Your Human Design chart—based on your birth time, date and place—gives you insight into how you’ve been designed to most effectively operate, express yourself, connect, make decisions, and live out your unique purpose. 

why human design?

Human Design can help you become more unapologetically and wholeheartedly you.

I’m a Human Design coach, author, and personal development junkie. After a decade of helping Fortune 500s identify and articulate their “why”, I felt called to help individuals do the same. 

I’m passionate about giving people practical tools and tactics to live magical lives. 

about me

Think of me as a translator. I can help you make sense of your Human Design and offer actionable advice on how to apply this knowledge to find more ease, fulfillment and joy in your everyday life.


A simple overview of all 9 energy centers and what each center represents in your chart. 

free guide

A personalized parenting cheat sheet based on your child’s unique design. 


"Do not ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you                     , because what the world needs is people who have                     ."


come alive

come alive

colleen p.
manifesting generator

"The depth alexandra added to my knowledge of my chart is such a gift.

My reading with Alexandra was thoughtful and expansive and covered every aspect of my chart. She also provided deeper insights around properties I expressed special interest in. She has a profound understanding of Human Design and I really recommend her."


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