I'm alexandra.

Human Design coach, author, and personal development junkie. After a decade of helping Fortune 500s identify and articulate their “why”, I felt called to help individuals do the same. 

Private Coaching

private coaching


IMPORTANT: Alexandra is unable to accept any new coaching clients at this time. Please reach out directly with an inquiry to hello@alexandracole.com or you can schedule a Human Design session with here HERE.


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Are you ready to take action based on what feels good to YOU, rather than what looks or sounds good to others?

Are you ready to stop letting fear hold you hostage and break out of your comfort zone?

Are you ready to get “unstuck” and take inspired action towards your dreams?

Are you ready to stop playing the victim and take ownership of your life?

Are you ready to stop wasting time on activities, people, or projects that don’t light you up?



You know you’re meant for more.

You know you’re selling yourself short by settling for a “compatible” partner, or a job that “looks good on paper”. You know you’re not living up to your full potential. You know something has to change. And yet, here you are.

At best, you feel Fine. At worst, you feel stuck, lost, or uninspired. 

Maybe you have no idea where to start. Or perhaps you know exactly what your purpose is, but you’re terrified of taking the first step. What if you fail? What if you’re not good enough? What if you can no longer maintain your perfect facade? 

What if I told you that you’re asking all the wrong questions…Instead of asking yourself what might happen if you start to listen to the little voice inside your head, you should be asking yourself what might happen if you don’t.  

Because the truth is, you were made for this. You were put on this planet to share your gifts.



Book a complimentary discovery session:



Let’s get to know each other and make sure it’s the right fit for you!


Alexandra instantly identified my stumbling blocks and gave me the confidence to make some big changes. Thanks to her coaching program, I finally feel in control of my own life and future.

— Caroline T.


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The Purpose Kickstart

I encourage all new clients to start with my Purpose Kickstart Program.

In just 8 weeks, you will articulate your purpose, overcome blocks such as fear, guilt, and imposter syndrome, and create a game plan to align your career, relationships, passions, and finances with what lights you up.

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, but I do believe in structure. This program is intentionally designed to deliver results, but how we tackle each topic will depend on what works for you.

Does journaling help you tap into your inner voice or do you prefer a guided meditation? Do you get excited by a checklist or do you prefer more creative license? Do you derive your sense of purpose from your work, or do you seek fulfillment elsewhere?


I have completely changed my attitude! Before this coaching program, I was a glass half empty kind of person. Now I see opportunities everywhere and for the first time in a long time, I have permission to be myself!

— Natalie Z.


This coaching program will help you…

  • Discover and articulate your unique life purpose

  • Let go of the pressure to live up to other people’s expectations 

  • Tackle resistance and limiting beliefs

  • Learn to be more intentional about how you spend your time and who you spend it with

  • Call in career opportunities that allow you to make an impact while doing what you love 

  • Learn how to refuel and get re-inspired when you feel stuck

  • Transform your money mindset to work for you instead of against you

  • Develop a new set of rituals and routines that will hold you accountable and set you up for success   

  • Live in alignment with the best, brightest, most fulfilled version of YOU


The Purpose Kickstart Package

What’s included?

Six 60-minute sessions

One 2.5 hour life design workshop

A Live on Purpose Manual

A personal purpose journal

Unlimited access via text or WhatsApp in between sessions 

Total Investment: $1,250 for 8 weeks*

*Payment plan available upon request

A simple overview of all 9 energy centers and what each center represents in your chart. 

free guide

A personalized parenting cheat sheet based on your child’s unique design. 



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